
A tutorial on installing ReLax

TL;DR: Install ReLax via the Python Package Index:

pip install jax-relax

ReLax only support installation on Linux and macOS. This is because ReLax is built on top of Jax, which currently does not support official Windows wheels.

Windows users should run ReLax on CPU and GPU on Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Installing ReLax


We suggest to create a new environment when using ReLax.

If you are using conda, you can create a new environment by:

conda create -n relax python=3.8 -y
conda activate relax

ReLax is built on top of Jax. You should also check the official installation guide from the Jax team.

Running on CPU

If you only need to run relax on CPU, you can simply install via pip or clone the GitHub project.

Installation via PyPI:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade jax-relax

Editable Install:

git clone
pip install -e relax

Running on GPU or TPU


We do not run continuous integration (CI) for GPU and TPU environments. So ReLax might fail unexpectedly when running on GPU/TPU. If you encounter issues when running on GPU/TPU, please report to us.

If you wish to run relax on GPU or TPU, please first install this library via pip install jax-relax.

Then, you should install the right GPU or TPU version of Jax by following steps in the install guidelines.

Contributor of relax

See nbdev installation.